Team Championships
The EKS contains 3 Team Championships: the National Team Championship, the Northern Team Championship and the Southern Team Championship.
Any driver who races in the EKS’ solo championships can pair up with any other driver from any class to form a team of 2 drivers. The Team Championship points at each event are then calculated by adding together the points scored by the 2 drivers who are designated to each team at that event.
Once a driver has joined or formed a team, to enter the team in to the Team Championship they simply need to enter the name of the team they will be racing for at each event in to the “Team” section of their booking form when booking in to each event.
At the end of the season, these team point scores will then be added together to determine the EKS National, Northern and Southern Team Champions.
Please note: B teams or other secondary teams are not allowed. Junior teams and Senior teams are allowed but only if they consist solely of Junior and Senior drivers respectively. Each team must be entirely independent of all other teams within that championship and they cannot share similar names aside from when there are Junior and Senior teams.
This rule is to prevent large gangs of drivers from forming and to prevent on track assistance from B team drivers.
Substitute Drivers
When a team makes their season debut their first 2 drivers will be classed as Driver A and Driver B. These drivers must drive for the team at any event which they attend.
Driver line-ups can be changed when either Driver A or Driver B cannot attend a particular event. To bring in a substitute driver for an event, simply ask your substitute driver to type the name of your team into the “Team” section of their booking form.
This substitute driver will then be classed as Driver C. Driver C must drive for the team at any further events which they attend but which Driver A or Driver B cannot attend.
Teams are permitted to bring in additional substitute drivers if necessary. These drivers will be classed as Driver D, Driver E etcetera with the same rules applying.
If you are a driver who would like to join a team but are not currently part of one, please contact who will be able to pair you up with another driver.